Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Excuse my beauty.

Disclaimer: I'm about to get really, really superficial. 
It's funny how certain makeup products can affect you. One swipe of the right lip gloss can make you look and feel like a million bucks. Apply the wrong one and you may lose the will to get out of bed. With that in mind, here are my thought on a few recent acquisitions. 

L'Oreal True Match Concealer Crayon: Holy YES! Especially if you want to go all "Harold and the Purple Crayon" on your face! Concealer crayon, you don't judge...you just cover it up and make it look like I give a shit. Thanks for helping me pass for human, buddy! Although, I must say, when it came time to actually pick out a shade at CVS, I was reunited with my old beauty dilemma of picking out the one with the right undertones (will grudgingly revisit this topic in a later post). Still, I like drawing on my face...neener neener neener.

Revlon Black Cherry lipstick: Three words: Karen Duffy realness. If you don't know who she is, ask a hipster or hoarder for some '90s fashion mags. Or, better yet, watch Blank Check like a goddamn champ. I purchased this shade after being persuaded by various beauty sites that it was flattering and a must-have in one's fall lipstick arsenal. These promises, along with the reassurance of $1 CVS Extra Bucks, assured that BC (we are by now on very familiar terms) was coming home with me. I first went to the CVS by my work, but it was all sold out! Later, after work, I stopped by the CVS close to my house; lo and behold, there was one left! Flattering or not, this is a very popular color. I have tried it a few times and love how it looks with one light coat. It reminds me of the way your lips look after a few glasses of good red wine (or blood, if you're into that kinda thing).  Any heavier, though, and it can veer into goth great-aunt territory, so be advised. 
Lush R & B: I was initially scared to buy this because my hair is fine and fragile.  In true diva fashion though, it's also wavy and temperamental. Woo, contradictions! I bought this buttery little jar with a gift card and must say it's worth every penny...of that other person's money.  It's moisturizing, great on frizz, and smells like a sexy rich hippie. (Basically, like jasmine and orange blossom.) Plus, a little bit goes a long way, especially with my finicky hair. 

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