Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ramble On...

    Lately I have been feeling the need for change. More specifically, a BIG change.  Even though I have lived all my life in Southern California, and consider myself fantastically spoiled to have spent 29 years here, I want to try something more. I first felt this way when Josh and I flew up to Seattle for a long weekend and stayed with friends in Bothell. I was charmed and overwhelmed--- in a good way--- by the beauty of the trees, the clean air and water, and the overall feeling of everything (if that even makes sense). Once we got back, I actively campaigned for us to move to the Evergreen State. I besieged my poor husband with home listings, job statistics, and FYIs about Seattle. (“Hey babe, no state income tax…woohoo!”) He, however, is loath to leave family and friends and all he has ever known. I suppose I should feel the same way, and in a sense I do, but at the same time I feel restless and stagnant. 
Helloooo Washington!

    Recently, I also got the crazy idea in my head to look into Vegas. Yes, the Vegas: home of sin, sun, and cheap housing. Why the hell? you may ask. I wish I had an answer; the best I’ve been able to come up with is 1) just because, 2) the houses are pretty nice and affordable, 3) we’re still young enough (and child-free!) to enjoy the cool parts of Vegas, 4) it’s only a five-hour drive or one-hour flight from our families, compared to wherever else we could end up. Of course, I have my reservations, as any (gulp) sane person would; I mean, it’s hot as the devil’s buttcrack out there, and people smoke cigs where they please.  But still, there is something about it that really appeals to me. I also jokingly told Josh that maybe I wouldn’t feel the urge to travel because we’ll be close to the Eiffel Tower, New York, an Egyptian pyramid, Venice, and ancient Rome. Maybe we can sell our future kid on that, ha ha! 

I will leave you with my favorite Led Zeppelin song, which inspired the title of this post. 

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